If you own your own business or run a nonprofit, you may love what you do.
Love is blinding. It will make you do crazy things.
When you start a business you love, you are going to need people around you who can help make sure crazy stays out of it as much as possible. Running a business can be difficult enough, without careless decisions being made. It’s so important that people think carefully about what they’re doing when starting a business. As it all costs money to start with, you need to make sure you’re not losing any money. Everything you do should be done to benefit the business in the long-term. For example, investing in social media marketing would be a beneficial thing to do. That can increase the online presence of the business, making people more aware of it. Within social media marketing, it’s important that applications like Instagram are fully utilized to ensure you increase brand awareness. To create an audience on Instagram, it might be worth using a new tool called Nitreo to try and grow your Instagram account. This should give you more chance of creating a larger online audience to promote your products and services. Hopefully, that should increase sales and help your business to grow.
As businesses begin to grow, people can become a little overwhelmed and the silly decisions can begin creeping in again. If that happens, it’s important to have some trusted people around you that can help you think about these decisions. In business, a little crazy is good. A lot of it? Not so much. That’s when problems can start arising.
To combat this, find three people you can count on and make sure they know enough about your business to help you. Ideally, you should then give them permission to do these three things:
- Challenge you on an idea you have
- Make sure you finish what you start
- Encourage you when you are struggling