I was asked this question by one of my clients recently. I still recount this story daily, every time I drive by where it happened.
I was inspired and moved by an experience that took only about 20 seconds. It was a Friday, it was pouring rain and a bit cooler outside. I had fought traffic on the way home and getting a bit frustrated, I was worn out from a long week and was just ready to get home. My wife and I were debating whether to cook and stay in with a glass of wine or go out to eat at a cool new place downtown. I was leaning for staying in because of the weather, sounded pretty stellar to me. About that time I was thinking this to myself a driver cut me off. I was just exiting the highway and coming up to a stop light. Once I was stopped I noticed a man sitting on a milk crate to my left, rain pouring down on him, crying his eyes out.
No other way to put it, he was just sobbing. For a split second I didn’t know what to do. Quickly I offered him a zip lock bag full of items that my wife I keep in the car. (we learned this at an NCF Passion Awards a few years back). But my little offering seemed so little I almost didn’t offer it.
I wanted to do more. I offered it to him and he gladly accepted. I headed home, sobbing all the way. My wife and I talked about that encounter for hours. I still wish I had done more but loved that at the very least I was prepared to give something. It’s changed me, I look for him all the time. I think about him all the time. I prepare for giving more than I ever before. Instead of turning away when we see a homeless person we both find ourselves actively looking for them, because we are prepared. It’s small but we’re still armed and ready. It’s a whole new way of looking at generosity….preparing for it.
So what has inspired you recently to be generous?
[Special thanks to Mark at My Free Bible for supplying the “I AM SECOND” Bibles that we pack in each bag.]
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